
Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Core - This includes lessons such as: How does this course work , How does this work for business, Introduction , How to set goals, How to do a client Intake, Motivation, 6 steps towards finding direction, Spiritual Development, Setting Smart Goals (NLP), Creating Accountability in Goals

  • Energy & Thought - This includes lessons such as: How to raise your energy – optimisim, Daily Dozen, Basics of Chakras, Core negative beliefs, Decision Making, Staying Present, Self discipline, Self Love and Self Worth, Confidence, Forgiveness, Energy in attracting clients

  • Anxiety & Worry - This includes lessons such as: Thought Stopping, Hemispheric Synching, Breathing, 3 Parts of Self, How to stop the habit of worry, How to teach EFT, Intro to EFT, Destressing and Detoxifying, Better Use of Time, How to Say No, Irrational Thinking

  • Relationship and Conflict Resolution - This includes lessons such as: Teaching Thoughtward for Couples, Who am I attracting?, 7 categories, Assertive vs Aggressive Communication, Listening Techniques, De-escalation, Happy or Not, Codependent Relationships, Triggers, Fear of Being Hurt, Fear of Abandonment, How to receive what I desire, How to say no

  • Manifestation - This includes lessons such as: Teaching Thoughtward for Manifestation, 3 Parts of manifesation, Removing Limitations, Prosperity and Fullfilment, Financial Manifestation, Health Manifestation, Love Manifestation – Removing Past, Happiness Manifestation, Focusing on the self without being selfish, Manifesting Connectivity

  • Weight Goals - This includes lessons such as: Teaching Thoughtward for Weight Managment, Using your Food Log, Setting Smart Goals for Weight, Body Issues, Emotional Eating/ food log, Methods for cultivating better eating habits, Baby Steps for Weight Management, Body Movement, Stopping the yo yo

  • Health Challenges - This includes lessons such as: Teaching Thoughtward for Health, Sleep Issues, Metaphysical Techniques to be Healthy, Chi Energy Meditation, Mind/Body/Spirit Connection, Thoughts and the Somatic Response, Progressive Relaxation, Assessing Clients Holistically, Emotions and Digestion

  • Business & Development Courses - This includes lessons such as: Mission/Vision, Choosing a Name/Owning it Virtually, Setting up your Business, Getting Comfortable with Payments, Social Media, Networking, Marketing, Branding, Workshops and Seminars, Getting Feedback, Selling

  • Thoughtward Business Partners Program- This includes lessons such as: How to use the Thoughtward name?, How to use course materials, Contractor Handbook, done, Support from the Thoughtward Academy, Assistance in Marketing and Client Acquisition